“My goal as a coach is to collaborate with you to help you in transforming your life, become your best self and find your individuality.”

Social Distancing is not a problem. All sessions are held over the phone or through FaceTime or Skype. Let me help you accomplish something you’ve been putting off!
Personal Life Coaching: 6 weeks of coaching starting @ $697 (See sign up for additional pricing)
Life Coach: Coaching = Working Together to Reach Your Goal! Divorce Recovery Life Coach: Life Can Be Better After Divorce! Empowerment Life Coach: Gain Control of Your Life! Self-Esteem Life Coach: “How We Feel About Ourselves Determines the Decisions We Make, the Ventures We Risk, and How We Navigate the Course of Our Life.” Co-Dependency Life Coach: Are You Emotionally Attached to Your Partner? Are You Afraid to Be Alone? Do You Want to Be Happy? Career Life Coach: Looking to Change Your Career? Success Life Coach: Achieve Success! What Is Your Definition of Success?
Relationship Life Coach: Coached by A Master Relationship Coach Life Coach!
6 weekly sessions: 1st week is a 45 min. consultation, additional 5 sessions of 30 min. each
90 - Day Relationship Recovery Program: $997.00 for 12 weeks of coaching*
Couples, married or significant others. Is there hope for my relationship?
*Includes 1 private session per person each week and one couples session per week
Group Life Coaching (available using Zoom, FaceTime or Microsoft Team) $687- $987 each for 6 - 8 weeks of coaching per client!
Minimum participants 4; maximum 6 participants- 6-8 week course (all participants must be working in the same area; for example: Empowerment Life Coaching: Become a Stronger, More Confident Person! Self-Esteem Life Coaching: Become Self-Assured! Co-Dependency Life Coaching: Are You Psychologically Reliant on Your Partner?
Career Life Coaching: Looking to Move Up to The Top of Your Parachute?
Success Life Coaching : What Is Your Definition of Success?
Payment methods: Check, Money Order, PayPal. (Payment plans available.)
Call now to schedule an appointment for a free introductory session, or to learn more about coaching: 201-230-1654.
You can also e-mail me @ drukkerjocelyn@gmail.com
All About Life Coaching
Coaching is a professional partnership focused on developing the Client’s awareness, thinking, and abilities in order to help the Client identify and achieve his/her goals. The Coach is someone who uses awareness and understanding on how the human mind functions in order help an individual, couple, or group achieve the goals that they might not otherwise be able to reach. The success of the coaching process includes the Client’s engagement, commitment and openness to the process. It consists of steps to help you identify and reframe your thoughts and attitudes. The goal of the coaching process is self-discovery, personal growth and assistance to the Client in reaching their personal goals and attaining their full potential.
Coaching works best for individuals who want to take initiative in their own life. Individuals who obtain the services of a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.
Each session is geared to the individual Client and will vary based on one’s individual needs. After completing paperwork, our first session will consist of setting a goal and working on the steps needed to complete the goal that you have set. During additional sessions, the Coach and the Client will discuss progress and adjust the steps and the goals as needed. Coach will sometimes give assignments that will help to direct your progress. We will work together to work on any obstacles that may arise and explore alternatives. A Life Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective, and help you realize the patterns and habits that may be holding you back from reaching your goals. During the coaching process you can learn what is holding you back from your goal and you can reach your dreams while having support and encouragement along the way. Working with a Life Coach can take six to eight weeks up to 3 months, depending on the goal you wish to attain, and the steps needed to attain that goal. It can take a few months to change the habits that it has taken a lifetime to learn.
About Your Coach
When I made the decision to become a Certified Life Coach it was with the intention of assisting my clients in changing their lives and their relationships in a positive direction, and to assist my clients in changing their life, gain clarity of purpose, and have more successful and effective lives. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from The College of Saint Elizabeth, Morristown, NJ. This degree has enabled me to learn many skills and techniques that will guide us through the areas that we choose to work on. Knowing these skills and techniques will guide me in assisting you in setting the goals you wish to achieve during our coaching sessions.
I am a survivor of a devastating divorce , and having traveled down this road, I have been able to navigate through the many issues that come up in relationships. I have lived with and worked with individuals with addiction issues and have been co-dependent myself. I have learned many skills that have helped me to become a strong and independent individual.
I worked for over twelve years in a domestic violence safehouse counseling victims of domestic violence and have learned about the commonalities and differences of relationships. I was able to teach my clients how the lack of empowerment, self-esteem, and co-dependency can affect relationships and how these can affect us as we go through our daily lives. It is not only romantic relationships that need our attention; our relationships with family, friends, and work relationships are also affected.
I have been certified by the International Institute of Coaching Studies and am certified as a Life Coach, Master Relationship Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Empowerment Coach, Self-Esteem Coach, and Co-Dependency Life Coach

Privacy Policy
The coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the coach as part of this relationship is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics (Coachfederation.org/ethics). However, please be aware that the Coach-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions)and therefore communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. The Coach agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the client without the client’s written consent.
“TESTIMONIAL: “ I have been in this business for more than 15 years. In that time I have trained coaches (and people who train coaches) and I can honestly say that Jocelyn is one of the top coaches we have ever had. She has the training, certificates, and experience to change YOUR life in almost every single area. I certainly don’t say that lightly”